Hayslip Monuments Designs Sons of the American Revolution Memorial
The National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, was founded on April 30, 1889, in New York and chartered by an act of Congress in 1906 as a nonprofit, non-secret and non-political organization that it still is today, according to Livingston, who said the chapter is headquartered in Louisville, Ky., and has more than 27,000 members. Since its beginning, the SAR has dedicated itself to patriotic, historical and educational objectives. Membership is open to any man at least 18 years old, of good standing in his community and a proven lineal descendant of an ancestor who rendered active military service or gave support to the cause of American independence from England between 1775 and 1783.
“I think there is no better way for a man to honor his patriot ancestors than to join the SAR and help preserve our American heritage and perpetuate the memory of those patriot ancestors who gave us this great country,” said Livingston, a charter member of the chapter and proven descendant of 10 veterans of the Revolutionary War. “Preservation of that American heritage and perpetuating the memory of those who served in the Revolutionary War is the primary mission of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.We are a group of men of this common heritage who have come together to serve this common cause,” he added.
As for observing Veterans Day, Livingston said it’s natural for people to think of today’s veterans or veterans from recent wars or the past 100 years. “But too often we forget that this nation is now over 225 years old and many millions of men and women have served in its military service,” Livingston said.
“Many of those served in time of war when they were asked to put themselves in harm’s way to defend this nation and its people, not just within the past 100 years or so, but from the beginning – 1776 – and that war was just as cruel and harsh as any, maybe more so, and fought on American soil, “Livingston said.
And George Livingston, president of the Ebenezer Zane Chapter, Ohio Society, Sons of the American Revolution, says his organization hopes to change that. But they need help – financial help from the community at large, be it individuals or organizations. The chapter is conducting a fund drive to raise $4,346 to underwrite the cost of the monument and to have it installed at the Veterans Memorial Park in Weirton at the intersection of U.S. Route 22 and state Route 2, according to Livingston. The monument project has the approval of the Brooke/Hancock Veterans Memorial Park Inc. through its president, Henry DeMasis, Livingston said.
Plans to have such a monument at a highly visible, easily accessible location took shape about a year ago, progressing to the design phase and ultimately going before a vote of the chapter membership in February, according to Livingston, who said the chapter has 47 members on its roster.
The monument design was prepared by Rock of Ages Memorials through Hayslip Monuments in Wintersville, Livingston said.